ADA Statement for Accessibility Services:
University ADA Statement for Course Syllabi (2023-2024)
Any student who believes they may need an accommodation based on a documented disability should first contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Services at (740) 351-3608, or and schedule a meeting to identify potential reasonable accommodation(s). Students are strongly encouraged to initiate the accommodation process in the early part of the semester or as soon as the need is recognized.
The Office of Accessibility Services will gather relevant information and determine whether an accommodation is warranted. When an accommodation is determined to be warranted, an accommodation letter will be sent to the instructor(s) and student via secure e-mail prior to the semester start date, when possible, or as soon as is feasible.
The Office of Accessibility Services will not disclose the nature of any disability with instructor(s); if the student wishes to discuss the disability with one or more instructors, they may do so.
Any questions regarding the academic accommodation on the letter should be addressed to the Coordinator of Accessibility Services. If a student does not make a timely request for academic accommodation and/or fails to meet with the Coordinator of Accessibility Services, a reasonable accommodation may be denied or delayed.
The Interim Coordinator of Accessibility Services is now Michelle Boldman. Learn more about Accessibility Services
Title IX:
Shawnee State University is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, genetic information, religion, age, disability, national origin, ancestry, sex, status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, status as a foster parent, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or gender expression, veteran status or military status. These acts violate an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity and will not be tolerated. The University seeks to address all forms of discrimination and harassment, and all sexual violence through education, policy enforcement, and by providing mechanisms for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Faculty members are considered “Mandatory Reporters” and are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct and relationship violence to the Title IX Coordinator.
To report concerns please visit
SSU Health Services:
Learn more about Health and Counseling Services at the following link:
Campus Counseling Services:
Campus Counseling Services is now part of the Bear Care Health Clinic located in the stand-alone building on the southeast corner of campus, near Shawnee Turf. The Bear Care Clinic is open M-F from 10 am to 4 pm. Call 740-355-7102 for an appointment or stop by.
The Clark Memorial Library:
For library hours, online research, or to text a librarian with questions, visit the following links:
The Student Success Center:
The Student Success Center is the hub of learning support and information on campus. We are open during the regular semester Monday-Thursdays 7:30am-11:00pm and Fridays 7:30am-5:00pm. Advisors are typically available Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. Advisors can educate students on degree information, assist them in changing their major, or discuss any problems that may be preventing them from being successful. Tutoring is not just for struggling or failing students. Students seeking tutoring should fill out the Request a Tutor form on MySSU’s homepage. In addition, there are tables for studying and a computer lab just for student use.
If students need help with a registration or financial aid issue or they just have general questions and don’t know where to start, they can start by visiting the Student Success Center on the first floor of Massie Hall, calling 740-351-3594, or emailing
Career Services:
Visit Career Services for assistance with Exploring Majors and Career Planning, Resumes, Cover Letters, Interview Preparation, Job Search, Weighing Job Offers, Finding Internships, and Searching/Applying to Graduate School(s). Career Services is located in Massie #124. Feel free to stop by, call (740) 351-3027, and/or email Our hours are 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday.
Handshake is the school’s official job/internship portal. Thousands of employers are hiring students on Handshake. Once you fill in your career interests, you will get personalized recommendations for jobs and events and direct outreach from employers interested in students like you—80% of students with a complete Handshake profile get messaged by employers!
Find out how to activate and use your Handshake account.
Dayton duMeleau Math Center:
The Dayton duMeleau Math Center (Admin 150) is open Monday-Thursday 9-7 pm & Friday 9-2. See the Dayton duMeleau Math Center site for details.
Contact information: Dr. Linda Hunt,
Writing Center:
Students who need peer tutoring know that they can drop by the Writing Center in the bottom floor of the Clark Memorial Library or they can email our tutors at for assistance with any part of the writing process. Students should also bring or send their tutor their assignment sheet and should expect to remain available and engaged with their tutor through the duration of the session.
The Bear Necessities Food Pantry:
The Bear Necessities Food Pantry is located in the Student Resource hub and will be open 9 am-6 pm, M-F. It is free for any current student. Students must bring their SSU Bear Card. Additional hours will be posted in the pantry and advertised on MySSU App. For more information contact
Office of Student Engagement:
The Office of Student Engagement is a comprehensive office, within the division of Student Affairs which provides academic, personal, social and cultural support to students. To empower, educate, and retain students the office provides culturally relevant services through academic achievement, scholarship, and mentoring which promotes the successful transition, persistence, achievement and graduation of students.
The office is open 9am-5pm, M-F, in MUC 221D. Contact with questions and needs.
Netiquette Policy
Netiquette, or network etiquette, defines appropriate behavior in the online learning environment. The etiquette guidelines that govern behavior when communicating on the Internet is known as netiquette. Netiquette covers not only rules of behavior during discussions, but also guidelines that reflect the unique electronic nature of the medium. The online environment includes any communication that occurs via technology, such as email, discussion boards, chat rooms, websites, blogs, wikis, text messages and instant messaging.
Don’t share your password with anyone or change your password if you think someone else might know it Always logout when you are finished using the system
- Treat instructor and classmates with respect in online communication
- Use clear and concise language
- Remember that all college level communication should have correct spelling and grammar
- Avoid slang terms such as “idk” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you”
- Avoid using the caps lock feature AS IT CAN BE INTERPRETED AS YELLING
- Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm it does not always transfer in email or discussion and might sound offensive
- Be careful with personal information
- Only send communication as yourself and do not do so anonymously or use forged messages from others’ email, Blackboard or other College managed communication
Email and Discussion Board
- Use a descriptive subject line such as “last name,” class & section
- Include your name in your message
- Make posts that are on topic and within scope of course material
- Take your posts seriously and review and edit your posts before sending
- Be as brief as possible while still making a thorough comment
- Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source
- Avoid short, generic replies such as, “I agree.” Include why you agree or add to the point
- Always be respectful of others’ opinions even when they differ from your own
- When you disagree with someone you should express your differing opinion in a respectful way
- Do not make personal or insulting remarks
- Be open-minded
Teaching and Learning Center
The Teaching and Learning Center will be open from 8am-12pm in CML 221 for support services.