Jason Witherell
Title: Associate Professor and Department Chair
Area: Engineering Technologies
Office Location: ATC 313
Phone: (740) 351-3113
Email: jwitherell@shawnee.edu
James Hudson
Title: Associate Professor
Area: Computer Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 306
Phone: (740) 351-3686
Email: jhudson@shawnee.edu
Ted Kosan
Title: Associate Professor
Area: Computer Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 305
Phone: (740) 351-3308
Email: tkosan2@shawnee.edu
Travis Lynn
Title: Senior Instructor and Esports Coach
Area: Digital Simulation & Gaming Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 310
Phone: (740) 351-3408
Email: tlynn@shawnee.edu

Larry (Skip) Miller
Title: Professor Emeritus
Area: Plastics Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 314
Phone: (740) 351-3176
Email: lmiller@shawnee.edu
Dovel Myers
Title: Assistant Professor
Area: Information Security
Office Location: ATC 126D
Phone: (740) 351-3563
Email: dmyers@shawnee.edu

Title: Assistant Professor
Area: Electromechanical Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 312
Phone: (740) 351-3510
Email: jok@shawnee.edu

Mohammad Ranjbaran
Title: Associate Professor
Area: Plastics Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 312
Phone: (740) 351-3465
Email: mranjbaran@shawnee.edu
Duane Skaggs
Title: Professor
Area: Digital Simulation & Gaming Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 309
Phone: (740) 351-3466
Email: dskaggs@shawnee.edu
Eli Vestich
Title: Associate Professor
Area: CAD and Manufacturing Technology
Office Location: ATC 315
Phone: (740) 351-3570
Email: evestich@shawnee.edu
Paul Yost
Title: Associate Professor
Area: Digital Simulation & Gaming Engineering Technology
Office Location: ATC 307
Phone: (740) 351-3562
Email: pyost@shawnee.edu