Payroll Information | Shawnee State

The Payroll Office supports the mission of Shawnee State University through recognizing the importance of knowledge and values.

Our services to the University community include the accurate and timely payment of all University faculty, staff and student employees; preparing and distributing all employee tax forms at year-end; complying with state and federal regulatory requirements as they relate to the accurate and timely payment of employment taxes; and all other payroll related requirements.

Payroll Office Staff

Corey Culbertson, B.B.A.
Assistant Director of Financial Systems & Payroll
121 Administration
(740) 351-3324

Faith James
Payroll Coordinator
(740) 351-3104


Calendar Year 2023 W2’s

Please note the following information pertaining to your 2023 W2’s:

  • Your W2 is now available online. Simply visit ADP to access.
  • Your user ID is likely your first initial followed by your last name and @nee1 (ex: sbear@nee1)
  • If you have not logged into ADP in the past, simply follow these instructions (PDF) to create an account with ADP and gain access to your W2.
  • Please utilize the “Forgot your ID/PASSWORD” feature on ADP’s site if you do not remember your user ID or password.
  • W2’s will also be mailed. You should receive yours within 5-10 business days of January 15.

Bear Trax Job Aids

The Bear Trax payroll platform supports the much-awaited implementation of electronic timekeeping. Users are able to schedule leave and record time in one place with manager approvals and payroll processing occurring completely within the system. This paperless process provides both employees and managers with direct access to timecards, leave balances, and other information. In addition, an improved Statement of Earnings is available to all employees.

Payroll Schedules

Direct Deposit / Payroll Card

Student Work Study Information