Request Accommodations
"Accommodations are adjustments or modifications provided to assist students with disabilities or specific needs to help them succeed in college."
- Complete Application
- Gather IEP/504 Plan from High school or Documented proof of diagnosis
- Schedule an appointment
- Bring paperwork with you or email it to the Accessibility Services Coordinator before the scheduled appointment.
Housing Accommodations Application
1. Complete Application
Student completes top portion of document. Provider completes the rest of the document
2. Email application to Accessibility Services Coordinator
Steps to Apply
Guidelines to apply for an ESA:
- Animal must be at least 1 year of age
- Owner must have owned animal for 6 months prior to applying
- Proof of updated Vaccines
- Current photo of animal
1. Complete Application
Student completes top portion of document. Provider completes the rest of the document
2. Schedule an appointment
3. Email all documentation to the Accessibility Services Coordinator
4. Attend scheduled appointment
Covid-19 Vaccine Exemption Application
Some programs have fieldwork where a Covid-19 Vaccination is required. If you qualify, this application could possibly exempt you from that requirement
Steps to apply
1. Complete Application
Application must be entirely completed. If you submit attachments to support your request, DO NOT list “see attachment” on paperwork.
2. Email application to Accessibility Services Coordinator
Accessibility Services Coordinator
Michelle Boldman, M.S.
1st Floor Massie Hall - Student Success Center