Nathaniel (Than) Mull
Title: Assistant Professor of Biology
Office Location: Massie 322
Phone: (740) 351-3469
Email: nmull@shawnee.edu
University of Arkansas, 2023
Ph.D. Biology
Dissertation: An ecological perspective of American rodent-borne orthohantavirus surveillance.
Northern Arizona University, 2019
M.S. Biology
Thesis: Spatial, vocal, and social behavior of northern grasshopper mice in a semi-natural enclosure
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, 2015
B.S. Biology
Organismal/Ecology with a minor in Environmental Geography
Dr. Nathaniel (Than) Mull is an Assistant Professor of Biology in the Department of Natural Sciences at Shawnee State University. Dr. Mull is an ecologist who is interested in various aspects of population and community ecology, particularly of rodents. Topics of previous research include acoustic communication and its interactions with other behaviors, the impacts of habitat degradation and management on community composition, and how habitat quality influences parasite prevalence. Dr. Mull’s current research interests are primarily focused on surveillance and identification of rodent-borne parasites and pathogens, particularly zoonotic viruses (those that are found in wildlife but can infect humans) including orthohantaviruses, and aspects of rodent ecology surrounding these infections.