Campus Security Authority (C.S.A.) Incident Report Form | Shawnee State
Incident Contact Information

Do not provide name/contact information if the person reporting the incident requests confidentiality.

Incident Details
Check here if the date the incident occurred is unknown
Incident Category

Select all that apply

Homicide - Murder
Aggravated Assault
Sex Offense
Motor Vehicle Theft
Liquor Violation
If liquor violation, did incident involve an arrest (any individual) or a student disciplinary referral?
Drug Violation
If drug violation, did incident involve an arrest (any individual) or a student disciplinary referral?
Weapon Law Violation
If weapon law violation, did incident involve an arrest (any individual) or a student disciplinary referral?
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
Agency Notified
Reported by
Was the crime reported to you by the victim, a third party, or both?
Incident Location
What best describes the location of the crime? If the crime occurred in multiple places, check all that apply
Motivated by Bias
Is there evidence that this crime was motivated by bias?
If you answered Yes to the Motivated by Bias question, please choose any/all potential categories of prejudice