The University Faculty Senate (UFS) is the official voice of the faculty of Shawnee State in the shared governance process of the university.
The UFS, through the work of its standing and ad hoc committees, recommends courses of action with respect to academic and educational policies or other related areas of faculty concern so that the President of the University, the Board of Trustees, and the Ohio Board of Regents may benefit from the full diversity of faculty viewpoints and the collective experience, knowledge and judgment of the faculty of Shawnee State University.
The UFS consists of sixteen Senators elected on staggered, two-year terms, with representation equally divided between the College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Health and Human Services, and the College of Business and Engineering Technology. UFS officers are also elected to two-year terms and serve on the UFS Executive Committee.
Questions regarding AY 2024-26 meetings may be directed to:
Mariah Woodward
UFS President
(740) 351-3387
Access Curriculog to submit a proposal or to see the status of existing proposals in shared governance: