Shawnee State University is committed to a safe and respectful campus environment that aligns with our institutional values.
Hazing can cause irreparable harm to victims, victims’ families, and the University community. From a legal perspective, hazing is a crime. From the University’s perspective, hazing is a violation of Policy and antithetical to the ideals and values of our learning community.
Prevention of hazing is the responsibility of every member of the University community, including students, student organizations, teams, employees, volunteers, and alumni.
Shawnee State University individuals or members of recognized groups, such as student organizations, teams, or associations, including students, staff, faculty, volunteers, and guests are expressly prohibited from engaging in hazing.
What is Hazing?
Pursuant to Ohio law under section 2903.31 of the Revised Code, "hazing" is defined as committing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to commit any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse.
Relevant SSU Policies & Procedures
Learn more
For questions regarding training or how to find the link in your email, contact
To learn more about hazing, there are several additional informative sources, including:
Hazing incidences reported on campus:
- 2023-2024: 0
- 2022-2023: 0
- 2021-2022: 0
- 2020-2021: 0
- 2019-2020: 0
- 2018-2019: 0
- 2017-2018: 0
Collin’s Law Report
Collin’s Law requires Ohio institutions to maintain a report of all violations of the institution's policy and post the report on its website, including the following:
- The name of the subject of the report;
- The date when the subject of the report was charged with a violation of the institution's policy or other state law regarding hazing;
- A general description of the violation, any investigation and findings by the institution, and any penalties imposed on the subject of the report;
- The date on which the matter was resolved.
SSU Collin’s Law Report (PDF)