Volunteer Opportunities
As the Clark Planetarium grows and stretches into the community, we're looking for volunteers interested in helping us with various ventures.
From performing guest lectures, running the planetarium, operating our telescopes, and creating activities, there are many opportunities to participate and help build a community of space lovers. To find out how you can volunteer with the Clark Planetarium, contact us at (740) 351-3145 or via email at thamilton@shawnee.edu
Become a Member
The Clark Planetarium is introducing membership options for those interested in financially supporting our various ventures.
From $25 telescopes to $10,000 shows, every little bit helps us provide opportunities for schools, students, and community members to learn about the sciences.
To find out how you can become a member, contact us at (740) 351-3081 or via email at events@shawnee.edu
Membership Levels and Benefits:
General Membership $25/year
- Quarterly Newsletter
Satellite $100/year
- Quarterly Newsletter
- Named Star on our Wall of Stars
- Previews of upcoming shows
Planetary $1,000
- Quarterly Newsletter
- Named engraved plaque on a planetarium chair
Solar $10,000
- Exhibit and show sponsor level
- Name displayed on plaque for exhibit or on all marketing material for show
- $10,000 supports purchasing, marketing, and maintenance of shows/exhibits
Stellar $50,000
- Monthly Sponsor level
- Name engraved on star outside planetarium
- Name announced prior to all shows of the month
- Optional Logo displayed prior to all shows of the month
- Names included in planetarium marketing materials