Title: Professor and Chairperson
Area: Economics
Office Location: MAS 227
Phone: (740) 351-3396
Email: cpoirot@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: History and Anthropology
Office Location: MAS 221
Phone: (740) 351-3103
Email: aalazm@shawnee.edu

Title: Associate Professor
Area: Political Science
Office Location: MAS 232
Phone: (740) 351-3901
Email: tbunting@shawnee.edu

Title: Associate Professor
Area: Sociology
Office Location: MAS 229
Phone: (740) 351-3095
Email: sdunne@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: History
Office Location: MAS 236
Phone: (740) 351-3143
Email: afeight@shawnee.edu

Title: Assistant Professor
Area: Political Science
Phone: (740) 351-3293
Email: ahutcheson@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: Psychology
Office Location: MAS 234
Phone: (740) 351-3094
Email: rmaxwellrader@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: History
Office Location: MAS 225
Phone: (740) 351-3351
Email: mmirabello@shawnee.edu

Title: Associate Professor
Area: Psychology
Office Location: MAS 228
Phone: (740) 351-3244
Email: brichards2@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: Psychology
Office Location: MAS 233
Phone: (740) 351-3350
Email: drudmann@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: History and Religious Studies
Office Location: MAS 238
Phone: (740) 351-3233
Email: lvemsani@shawnee.edu

Title: Professor
Area: Psychology
Office Location: MAS 235
Phone: (740) 351-3374
Email: kvick@shawnee.edu