Accessibility Services & Support | Shawnee State University
Students Outside UC

Shawnee State advocates for students' rights.

The Office of Accessibility Services offers support and empowerment to students with disabilities as they embark on their academic and professional goals.

Contact for Questions

Michelle Boldman, M.S. - Accessibility Services Coordinator
Phone: (740) 351-3163

Student Success Center
Massie Hall 145

Submit ADA Concern

Services Available

ADA Resources

Any Shawnee State University student who believes that they have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability or has been denied access or accommodations required by law shall have the right to invoke this grievance process.

Our grievance process addresses concerns based upon disagreements or denials regarding disability designation and status, denial of requested accommodations, auxiliary aids or services, claims of inaccessibility of a college program, activity or facility, and alleged harassment or discrimination on the basis of a disability.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Shawnee State University is committed to complying with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA) of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (amended in 2008), ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities have equal access to programs, activities, and services and are provided reasonable accommodations.

Request Services Every Semester

Students should obtain approved accommodations every semester. Our office is located in Hatcher Hall, 1001 Fourth Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662, Room 107. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or by appointment.
Phone: (740) 351-3608
Fax: (740) 539-8827