Visit this page periodically to check for new quick tips and hints on various topics related to Bear Trax
Create a shortcut icon on your desktop to the Bear Trax login page
View a step by step training aid that shows you how to create a short cut on your desktop to quickly access the Bear Trax login page.
Review and update your contact information in Bear Trax
View a step by step training aid that shows you how to review and update your contact information in Bear Trax. This information is displayed when users click the Directory link from the Navigator button so it is important to keep your Work Telephone and Work Email Address up to date.
How to delete an absence record that you previously submitted, had approved, but you actually worked on that day
Review the Absence Management for Employees training aid on how to delete an absence record that you submitted, had approved, but you actually reported to work that day.
Screen formatting issues? Oracle recommends users regularly clear their web browsers cache and cookies.
Are you experiencing screen formatting issues while logging in or using Bear Trax? Oracle recommends that your clear your web Browser’s cache and cookies regularly to eliminate these types of issues that come with periodic software updates.
Tips on Absence Management: Updating a leave request
When updating a leave request in Absence Management after you have submitted your time card, you must resubmit your time card for that pay period.
Here’s why: Your time card will default to “saved” status and will not be submitted to Payroll for processing. This is a result of the original APPROVED timecard now being altered thus needing approved again.
How do I check to see if I have approvals awaiting my attention?
How do I check to see if I have approvals awaiting my attention, but they disappeared from my bell notification list after I read them? View the step by step instructions on how to view your tasks awaiting your attention.
How to create Favorites (shortcuts) to your frequently used Bear Trax pages
Want to save time and key clicks while using Bear Trax? View the step by step instructions on how to create Favorites to your frequently used Bear Trax pages.