
ITS is here to assist departments when making decisions about technology acquisition and implementation. Whether it concerns the evaluation and purchase of hardware, software, or data integration services, we are committed to supporting the departmental technology needs. 
To initiate discussions regarding a need for new technology in your area, please complete an IT Support Form and a we will contact you to schedule a meeting with the appropriate members of our team.

Departments wishing to evaluate new technology of any type must involve the ITS Department at the start of the planning phase. It is critical to the success of new technology because specifics like network compatibility, hardware specifications, and Information Technology Security requirements must be met before any new technology will be implemented.    

Departments that neglect to work with ITS and purchase technology without ITS approval, may find they have purchased items that will not work in our environment or will not be implemented due to noncompliance with our Information Security Program (ISP) (PDF).