What We Do:
We, the students of Shawnee State University, in recognizing our role and accepting our responsibility of self-government within the organizational framework of Shawnee State community, seek to promote the intellectual, social, and cultural opportunities available to this community by representing the interests and addressing the concerns of the student body and by promoting the diversity of and giving voice to the student body, do hereby establish the Student Government Association of Shawnee State University.
Come Check Us Out!
We meet in the Student Resource Hub (Annex) every Tuesday at 4:00 pm. You can also join us virtually through Teams (email us at sga@mymail.shawnee.edu for a link).
SGA Sub-Committees
Student Affairs: This committee will study all basic policy changes affecting students and Student Affairs. Additionally, they will handle all public views involving Facilities and maintenance.
Organizational Affairs: This committee will recommend organization requests to Congress for approval and recommend funding requests to Congress for approval. Additionally, they will also oversee any requests for additional funding, inter-club conflicts, and the budget and expenditures of the Shawnee State Student Government Association.
Academic Affairs: This committee will review all policy changes affecting academic degrees, majors, programs, etc. Additionally, they will assist the Vice President in planning the Evening of Honors.
Contact SGA at:
Shawnee State University
Attention: SGA
940 Second Street Portsmouth, OH 45662
Email: sga@mymail.shawnee.edu