SSU Honors Program offers a specialized education opportunity to students | Shawnee State

March 21, 2023

Aiming to provide a more individualized and in-depth learning experience for Shawnee State University students, the institution’s Honors Program allows students to explore academic topics of their preference on a personalized one-to-one learning experience. Within the Honors Program, participating students receive the opportunity to work closely with Honors professors, conduct their own research, socialize with other Honors students, gain priority course registration, live in designated Honors housing, and get advancement opportunities such as internship placement assistance, study abroad opportunities, and more. 

students making presentation in classroom

“A student can take an Honors Conference and later use experiential learning funds to practice the knowledge they acquired during the conference,” SSU Director of the Honors Program Pablo Salinas said. “This semester three Honors students are applying to go to Latin America to fulfill their experiential learning component.”

The Honors Program gives enrolled students up to $1,000 to offset the cost of their experiential learning, but they can also apply for a fully-funded trip.

The SSU Honors Program accepts incoming freshmen every fall semester. To ensure that their application receives full consideration, it should be submitted by Apr. 1. Students who are currently in their first or second semester at SSU are also eligible to apply to the Honors Program. Their applications should be completed by Apr. 1 for a fall entry or by Nov. 1 for spring consideration.

To learn more about the Honors Program at Shawnee State University, visit