The Shawnee State University math club consists of student who enjoy mathematics and math related activities. The math club has regular meetings, has celebrated pi day (March 14th), organized a fund raising event, gone to a conference, participated in an Ohio state wide math completion, participated in SSU problem-solving contests, and hosted guest math speakers during meetings.
During the fall and spring terms, the math club meets bi-weekly to discuss club business, learn about mathematics, and have fun.
For pi day 2018, the math club had a celebration fund raiser in which members had slices of pie available for monetary donations. Donations were designated to a few participating math faculty members where the math faculty member with the most designated donations was "pied."
This fundraiser generated over $500 for the math club some of which was used to send the above members to a Ohio MAA Section Spring Conference.
While attending this conference, these math club members formed two teams that participated in the Leo Schneider Student Competition.
At math club meetings, Dr. Mendris, has provided contest problems for members to solve and gives out awards to members who have solved previous contest problems.
Dr. Whitaker, Dr. Nichols, and Dr. O'Connor have given math talks during these meetings. The math clubs activities earned it the student government association 2013-2014 student club of the year.
Join the Math Club
If you are interested in joining the math club, please contact faculty advisor, Dr. Whitaker at jwhitaker@shawnee.edu.
Math Club Constitution
Here is a link to the math club’s constitution (PDF).