The policies listed below are grouped in related categories and may be repeated if the policy or procedure relates to one or more categories.
Click on the links below to access the content-related categories. Note that some policies have corresponding procedures located directly below the policy.
PLEASE NOTE: Many policies and procedures in the links below assigned rights and responsibilities to the Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA). In May 2023, the University abolished the position of VPFA and created the positions of Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Following the reorganization, the University Board of Trustees passed resolutions that assigned duties previously assigned to the VPFA to the COO or CFO. Please refer to these resolutions when reviewing a policy or procedure that discusses the VPFA:
- Resolution F14-23 Reassigning Responsibilities to Chief Operating Officer (PDF)
- Resolution F15-23 Reassigning Responsibilities to Chief Financial Officer (PDF)
Jump to Category:
Board of Trustees
- 1.01: Bylaws of the Board of Trustees (PDF)
- 1.03: Evaluation of President (PDF)
- 1.04: Honorary Degree (PDF)
- 1.05: Investment (PDF)
- 5.24: Vernal G. Riffe, Jr. Founder’s Medal (PDF)
- 5.32: Ethics: Conflicts of Interest and Nepotism (PDF)
Administration and Operation
- 3.19: Alcohol on Campus (PDF)
- 4.40: Access to University Buildings (PDF)
- 5.00: Policies and Procedures (PDF)
- 5.06: Drug Free Campus & Workplace (PDF)
- 5.08: Smoking (PDF)
- 5.10: Freedom of Expression (PDF)
- 4.44: Use of University Facilities & Reservation of Space (PDF)
- 4.90: Tuition and Other Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (PDF)
- 4.91: Naming of University Buildings and Campus Areas (PDF)
- 4.93: Controlling Infectious and Communicable Diseases (PDF)
- 5.11: Media, Social Media, & Web Sites (PDF)
- 5.19: Public Records (PDF)
- 5.28: University Parking (PDF)
- 5.09: Cancellation of Classes and Closing the University (PDF)
- 5.34: Records Management, Retention and Disposal (PDF)
- 5.36: Banning Individuals from University Property (PDF)
- 5.39: Marketing and Branding (PDF)
- 5.41: Complaint Review & Resolution (PDF)
Admission and Academics
- 1.04: Honorary Degree (PDF)
- 2.06 Approval of Graduates (PDF)
- 2.08: Academic Program Review (PDF)
- 2.10: Copyright, Patents, and Research for University Personnel (PDF)
- 2.11: Faculty Workload (PDF)
- 2.16: Intellectual Property Rights for Students (PDF)
- 2.17: Credit Hour Assignment (PDF)
- 2.18: Textbook Selection (PDF)
- 2.19 Transfer Credit (PDF)
- 2.20 Institutional Animal Care and Use (PDF)
- 3.00: Admission & Degree Requirements (PDF)
- 3.04: Student Education Records Privacy and Release (PDF)
- 3.21: Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (PDF)
- 3.22: Student Service Members and Veterans (PDF)
- 3.23: Academic Forgiveness (PDF)
- 3.24: Student Medical Leave of Absence (PDF)
- 5.09: Cancellation of Classes and Closing the University (PDF)
- 5.13 Grants Application Approval and Management (PDF)
- 5.18: Emeritus Faculty (PDF)
- 5.25: Research Involving Human Subjects (PDF)
- 5.35: Emergency Management (PDF)
- 5.44: Microcredentialing and Non-Credit Certificates (PDF)
Business and Finance
- 1.05: Investment Policy (PDF)
- 3.20: University Housing (PDF)
- 4.00: Purchasing Authority (PDF)
- 4.02: Asset Management (PDF)
- 4.10: Travel Authority and Driving Rules (PDF)
- 4.13: Meeting Expenditures (PDF)
- 4.21: Cash Management (PDF)
- Procedure: 4.21:1 Basic Cash Management Information (PDF)
- Procedure: 4:21:2 Department Cash Handling Responsibilities (PDF)
- Procedure: 4:21:3 Collection and Receipt of Cash, Checks & Credit Cards (PDF)
- Procedure: 4:21:4 Deposit Requirements (PDF)
- Procedure: 4:21:5 Petty Cash Funds and Change Funds (PDF)
- Procedure: 4.21:6 Cash Controls within Departments (PDF)
- 4.22: University Reserves or Allocated Fund Balances - UNDER REVIEW
- 4.40: Access to University Buildings (PDF)
- 4.44: Use of University Facilities & Reservation of Space (PDF)
- 4.73: On-Campus Education Benefits for Adjunct Faculty (PDF)
- 4.75: Use of University Resources (PDF)
- 4.78: Identity Theft Policy: Red Flag Rules (PDF)
- 4.90: Tuition and Other Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (PDF)
- 4.92: Student Enrollment: Business Functions (PDF)
- 4.94: Electronic Signatures (PDF)
- 5.27: Signature Authority for Contracts (PDF)
- 5.28: University Parking (PDF)
Human Resources
- 3.19: Alcohol on Campus (PDF)
- 4.40: Access to University Buildings (PDF)
- 4.64: Relocation Expense Reimbursement (PDF)
- 4.10: Travel Authority and Driving Rules (PDF)
- 4.77 Retirement and Re-employment (PDF)
- 4.93: Controlling Infectious and Communicable Diseases (PDF)
- 4.95 Flexible Work Arrangements (PDF)
- 5.01: Non-Discrimination/Harassment (PDF)
- Interim Procedure: 5.01:1 Affirmative Action Hiring Guidelines (Under Review)
- Procedure: 5.01:2 Reporting & Investigating Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct & Other Forms of Discrimination (PDF)
- Interim Procedure: 5.01:3 Affirmative Action for Vietnam Era and Disabled Vets (Under Review)
- Procedure: 5.01:5 Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities (PDF)
- Procedure: 5.01:6 Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
- Non-Discrimination Definitions, Regulations, and Resources
- 5.06: Drug Free Campus & Workplace (PDF)
- 5.08: Smoking (PDF)
- 5.16: President's Authority to Appoint Personnel and Manage Positions (PDF)
- 5.21: Bloodborne Pathogens (PDF)
- 5.22: Chemical Hazards (PDF)
- 5.28: University Parking (PDF)
- 5.30: Digital Resource Management & Security Policy (PDF)
- 5.09: Cancellation of Classes and Closing the University (PDF)
- 5.32: Ethics: Conflicts of Interest and Nepotism (PDF)
- 5.36 Banning Individuals from University Property (PDF)
- 5.37: Suicide Prevention Program (PDF)
- 5.38: Equal Opportunity Policy (PDF)
For Public Safety Employees
For Faculty
- 2.04 Faculty Professional Leaves (PDF)
- 2.11: Faculty Workload (PDF)
- 2.15: University promotion and Tenure System (PDF)
- 4.73: On-Campus Education Benefits for Adjunct Faculty (PDF)
- 5.18: Emeritus Faculty (PDF)
For Administrative Employees
- 4.51: Administrative Employees - Employment Status and Other Employment Actions (PDF)
- 4.52: Leaves of Absence, Paid and Unpaid (PDF)
- 4.53: Compensation for Administrative Employees (PDF)
- 4.54: Professional Development (Degree and Non-Degree) (PDF)
- 4.69: Concern Resolution for Administrators (PDF)
- 5.33: Emeritus Administrator (PDF)
- 2.16 Intellectual Property Rights for Students (PDF)
- 2.21: Accommodations for Student Religious Beliefs (PDF)
- 2.22 Student Work Experiences Internships and Cooperative Education Programs (PDF)
- 3.04: Student Education Records Privacy and Release (PDF)
- 3.17: Student Conduct Code (PDF)
- 3.19: Alcohol on Campus (PDF)
- 3.20: University Housing (PDF)
- 3.21: Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (PDF)
- 3.22: Student Service Members and Veterans (PDF)
- 3.24: Student Medical Leave of Absence (PDF)
- 3.25: Anti-Hazing (PDF)
- 3.26 Name, Image, and Likeness for Student-Athletes (PDF)
- 4.40: Access to University Buildings (PDF)
- 4.92: Student Enrollment: Business Functions (PDF)
- 4.93: Controlling Infectious and Communicable Diseases (PDF)
- 5.01: Non-Discrimination/Harassment (PDF)
- Interim Procedure: 5.01:1 Affirmative Action Hiring Guidelines (Under Review)
- Procedure: 5.01:2 Reporting & Investigating Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct & Other Forms of Discrimination (PDF)
- Interim Procedure: 5.01:3 Affirmative Action for Vietnam Era and Disabled Vets (Under Review)
- Procedure: 5.01:5 Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities (PDF)
- Procedure: 5.01:6 Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
- 5.06: Drug Free Campus & Workplace (PDF)
- 5.08: Smoking (PDF)
- 5.21: Bloodborne Pathogens (PDF)
- 5.22: Chemical Hazards (PDF)
- 5.28: University Parking (PDF)
- 5.30: Digital Resource Management & Security Policy (PDF)
- 5.36: Banning Individuals from University Property (PDF)
- 5.37: Suicide Prevention Program (PDF)
- 5.38: Equal Opportunity Policy (PDF)
- 5.43: Animals on Campus (PDF)
Safety and Security
- 3.19: Alcohol on Campus (PDF)
- 3.25: Anti-Hazing (PDF)
- 4.40: Access to University Buildings (PDF)
- 4.79: Department of Public Safety/Employment Status and Other Employment Actions (PDF)
- 4.93: Controlling Infectious and Communicable Diseases (PDF)
- 5.10: Freedom of Expression (PDF)
- 5.21: Bloodborne Pathogens (PDF)
- 5.22: Chemical Hazards (PDF)
- 5.06: Drug Free Campus & Workplace (PDF)
- 5.08: Smoking (PDF)
- 5.09: Cancellation of Classes and Closing the University (PDF)
- 5.28: University Parking (PDF)
- 5.35: Emergency Management (PDF)
- 5.36: Banning Individuals from University Property (PDF)
- 5.40: Protection of Minors on Campus (PDF)
- 5.43: Animals on Campus (PDF)
- 5.45: Naloxone Access for Emergency Use (PDF)