Board Committees | Shawnee State

Academic and Student Affairs Committee


Dilip Shah - Chair
David Richey - Vice Chair
Sallie Schisler - Member
Roy “Aaron” Adams
Hannah Blythe - Student Member


The Academic and Student Affairs Committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Board on matters pertaining to academic and student affairs programs and resources. Specific matters that may be presented to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee include, but are not limited to, the following: proposed and existing degree programs; awarding of degrees; commencement and other major University events; research and community development; faculty and staff matters including faculty promotions, organizational structures for academics and student affairs; and other matters as assigned to the committee by the Board or Chairperson of the Board.

Finance and Administration Committee


Edward Daniels - Chair
Brenda Haas - Vice Chair
David Furbee - Member
Markee Dennis - Member
Debra “Faith” Kuhn


The Finance and Administration Committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Board on matters pertaining to financial, business, facilities and administration of the University.  Specific matters that may be presented to the Finance and Administration Committee include, but are not limited to, the following: University capital and operating budgets; submission of appropriation and capital requests; tuition and student fees; annual audits; business organization and practices; borrowing and investment of funds; facilities and grounds, including naming, planning, construction, and maintenance; real property matters; purchasing policies; organization and staffing of Finance and Administration; personnel policies and matters; safety and security; information technology; auxiliary operations and services; and other matters as assigned to the committee by the Board or Chairperson of the Board.

Executive Committee


Eddie Edwards - Board Chair
Edward Daniels - Board Vice Chair
David Furbee
Brenda Haas
Dilip Shah


The Executive Committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Board on the following matters: proposed University policies on matters not assigned to another committee; bargaining unit agreements; and personnel actions that pertain to any of the Vice Presidents or other personnel requested by the President or Chairperson of the Board.  The Executive Committee shall also have responsibility for: orienting and mentoring new Board members; evaluating the performance of the President and making a recommendation to the Board on the President’s compensation and benefits package. The Executive Committee shall also act/recommend on behalf of the Board on issues needing immediate attention and report such actions to the Board.

Representatives to SSUDF

Eddie Edwards
Dilip Shah

Representative to Investment Committee

David Furbee