
Our Brand is our Identity

We often think of the brand as our "visual mark" including our standard colors, logo, name and design elements. Those are critical parts of our brand, but the Shawnee State University brand is so much more.

It's not just how we look. It's how we talk. It's the experience that students can expect, the feeling that people get from being on our campus, how we treat each other, and what makes us unique. It's our "personality." It's how we live out our mission, vision and values. 

Brand Image

The Shawnee State University brand is evident in our style of writing, type of photography, design of our website and printed materials, and even our policies, processes and culture.

We in the Office of Marketing and Communications are the protectors of the brand. It's a privilege we take as seriously as our reputation — because they are one and the same.

Branding Resources

Advertising Image
Contact Information

Marketing and Communications
Administration 129
940 Second Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662

Phone: (740) 351-3050