
July 26, 2024

Oak Hill, Ohio native Tamron McCain is studying abroad this summer in Bregenz, Austria through Shawnee State University’s Center for International Programs & Study Abroad (CIPSA). The Adolescent-to-Young Adult Integrated Social Studies major is studying three credit hours during her five-week trip, while getting to explore a new part of the world.

Tamron McCain

“I felt that the program gave me the most opportunities to explore as much as possible during my month abroad,” said McCain, on why she chose to study in the Austria program. “It has an Eurail pass included that allows us to travel by train anywhere on the weekends and so far I have been to five different countries – Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy.”

Studying abroad with another education student from SSU, McCain was able to participate in the unique opportunity to live with an Austrian host family during her stay.

“The Austria program has homestays for our housing arrangement and I was really drawn to that aspect because I felt it would allow me to be able to fully diverse myself in the culture,” said McCain.

The study abroad program is sponsored through CIPSA’s partnership with the Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS). The collaborative effort is a nonprofit faculty-led study abroad consortium that is dedicated to providing exceptional and affordable international education programs for students from diverse backgrounds. The studies offered allow students to analyze information in a foreign cultural setting while enhancing their communication skills, gaining an understanding of global challenges, and growing their confidence and leadership capabilities.

“I am taking a course over the History of Hitler and Nazi Germany,” said McCain. “This has been a very interesting topic to learn about especially given the location in which we are learning it. The places we visit have ties to that time period and make learning about it more realistic and touching.”

Tamron McCain

SSU’s CIPSA provides students and the surrounding community with the opportunity to appreciate different values and cultures around the world. Hosting international students from around the world, the department also works with state-side students to find study abroad programs that relate to their own career and education goals.

“This opportunity has pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to experience the world and gain some new insight and perspective,” said McCain. “While taking a leap of faith can be nerve wracking, it is beyond worth it. This experience is especially unique as you get to share it with a group of students that will forever share a part of life with you. I would encourage anyone who is interested or given the opportunity to take it.”

To learn more about the Center for International Programs & Study Abroad at Shawnee State University, visit