Larry Miller
Dr. Larry (Skip) Miller

March 31, 2023

A member of the Shawnee State University Department of Engineering Technologies for over twenty years, Dr. Larry (Skip) Miller shares his interests in the field with his students every day in the classroom.

“I like math and science and their application to the real world,” he said, on why he chose to pursue a career in engineering.

Focusing on the practical application of engineering techniques in the real world, SSU’s Engineering Technologies programs teach students the practical and scientific bases of ever-changing technological advancements. The field leads to professionally-fulfilling careers that stay on the cutting edge of new advancements.

A Professor of Plastics Engineering Technology, Miller enjoys being able to make an impact on his students and their future careers.

“Working with students to get a good start in life is one of my favorite parts of teaching at SSU,” he said.

Programs within the Department of Engineering Technologies at SSU offer career-oriented, technical instruction grounded in a strong base of science and mathematics. Degree programs offered within the department include Computer Engineering, Game Programming, Information Security, Plastics Engineering, Building & Industrial Technology, Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Technology, Electromechanical Engineering, and Technical Study. Miller encourages students interested in entering the field to consider fine-tuning their math skills to better prepare for the course load.

“There are plenty of jobs available in the engineering fields that pay really well,” he said.

To learn more about Engineering Technologies at Shawnee State University, visit