
July 26, 2024

Shawnee State University Board of Trustees’ Chairperson Scott Evans recently completed his nine-year term on the board. Appointed in 2015, Evans, a Lawrence, Ohio native, led the trustees for one term as the Chair and for five years on the Executive Committee. 

Scott Evans

“Chairman Evans graciously shared his distinguished professional record with SSU and served as a valued partner,” said SSU President Eric Andrew Braun. “Under Scott’s leadership, Shawnee State entered a new phase of fiscal strength and is well positioned for future growth. I am grateful for Chairman Evans’s service and look forward to continuing to work with him as a champion for the university’s continued success.”

During his time on the Board, Evans and his fellow trustees supported expanding graduate degree programs – including the Master of Science in Nursing, the Master of Arts in Composition & Rhetoric, and the university’s first doctoral program, the Post-Professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate. He supported the establishment of several scholarship programs through the university’s Financial Aid and Office of Admissions, including the introduction of the Free Tuition program, supporting Pell-eligible qualifying students in the region. More recently, he and the Board approved the establishment of the C.H. Lute School of Business and the reorganization of academic colleges into the College of Health & Human Services and College of Business Engineering to better support community needs. 

“The growth of Shawnee State is not just important to the tri-state region, but to the entire state of Ohio,” said Evans at the time of his election as Board Chairperson. “Our accomplishments in just four decades are incredible, and looking to the future, I am convinced we have much more to offer.” 

With an extensive military career during which he served 27 years in uniform and served in active combat in Iraq, Evans was instrumental in re-establishing the university’s annual Veteran’s Day Recognition Ceremony and promoting support for the Office of Military & Veterans Services on campus.