
October 25, 2023

As a member of the I Am First Gen program at Shawnee State University, Makayla Aiken has found a place to receive support and build connections while completing her degree.

Picture of I Am First Gen Student Makayla Aikers

“Being a first gen student is a lot of figuring it out on your own,” she said.

Nearly three quarters of SSU students identify as first-generation college students – meaning that no one in their family has completed a college degree. Many students enter college faced with a number of questions and do not feel as if they have anyone in their households they can ask for assistance in subjects like financial aid, choosing a major, or navigating college life in general.

“It's great to meet with fellow students who are going through the same things as you,” said Aiken.

The I Am First Gen program at SSU connects first-generation students with mentors that can help them clear obstacles that arise on their path to earning a college degree. Many mentors are faculty and staff members working on campus that also identify as first-generation.

“It's very personalized,” said Aiken on connecting with her mentor. “They can put a lot more into your personal success and they really want to see you succeed in every way.”

Majoring in Occupational Therapy, Aiken is a member of the 3+2 accelerated program, meaning she will earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years’ time. Navigating not just her undergraduate degree, but also preparing to enter graduate school, Aiken knows being able to have someone to support her on campus is been important to her success. She will graduate with her bachelor’s degree this coming December before continuing to earn her master’s.

To learn more about the I Am First Gen program at Shawnee State University, visit