Dr. Jinlu Li
Dr. Jinlu Li

March 31, 2023

Retiring from the university in 2021, Dr. Jinlu Li has been a staple in the Mathematical Sciences department at Shawnee State University for 32 years. Focusing on multiple theories within the field – fixed point, optimization, order, variational inequalities, and economics to name a few – Dr. Li became a professor in Mathematics because he loved to pair his teaching with his research.

“Mathematics is a beautiful subject,” he said.

A dedicated researcher, Dr. Li has published an impressive resume of papers, individually and as a co-author, throughout his time at SSU. In the past year alone, he has completed over five research papers and is currently working on three more. His research topics range throughout the field as he finds more interests for different theories.

“I study and do research on topics which I like and I believe to be useful,” he said.

Looking back at his time at SSU, he is grateful for the support he gained in his research and his work in the classroom.

“I enjoyed teaching and I loved my students,” he said. “I got a lot of support from the administration and I also received a lot of kind help in all ways from my colleagues. I deeply appreciate all the support and help.”

In May 2021 upon Dr. Li’s retirement, President Jeff Bauer conferred the title of Professor Emeritus to him for his service to the university.

This feature was originally released in the Shawnee Magazine 2022 issue. To view the full magazine online, visit