
September 8, 2022

Shawnee State University’s Board of Trustees has named a new Student Trustees to serve one fiscal year on the governing board. Slater Bakenhaster, a native of Piketon, Ohio, was appointed by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s office in June 2022 and will be formally inducted early this fall. A senior double majoring in Chemistry and History, Bakenhaster has an interest in using this position to better understand how the university makes it decisions and how those decisions impact higher education in the region.

Slater Bakenhaster

“I felt that it would be a great opportunity and experience for me to see how the university operates and makes decisions that will influence its future,” he said. “I believe that the success and prosperity of the university can benefit and profit the community and its members.”

The Board of Trustees sits two SSU students at a time to serve on the board. In the Student Trustee role, these students regularly attend Board meetings while participating in committee assignments and helping Board members formulate policies for the university. Students apply to the position through the university’s Office of the President who recommends top candidates to the Ohio Governor’s Office of Board & Commissions. The final decision is made by the Governor’s office.

“I wanted to see how this great responsibility was carried out by the Board of Trustees, learn from the fellow members, and be of service in whatever ways present themselves,” said Bakenhaster.

Enjoying the research aspects of his majors in chemistry and history, Bakenhaster was grateful to have the opportunity at SSU to follow both of his passions. Outside of the classroom, he is a member of the university’s Chemistry Club, using the organization as a way to connect with people in one of his majors. Looking towards this academic year, he’s hoping to expand that opportunity for connections by serving on the Board of Trustees.

“To be able to have this position is truly a great honor, and I am very thankful to the Governor’s office for choosing me to serve in this manner,” he said. “I am also excited to work with my fellow Board members to assess the university’s current situations and develop strategies to improve its future.” 

To learn more about the Shawnee State University Board of Trustees, visit