
September 14, 2022

The Shawnee Panhellenic Council (SPC) at Shawnee State University oversees the recruitment period for university sororities Delta Phi Epsilon and Theta Phi Alpha. The Sorority Life governing board on campus, SPC serves to provide guidance for both sororities, as well as potential new members looking to join an organization, throughout each semester’s recruitment.

Sorority Life display on campus

“Recruitment week is divided into three portions,” said Raelen Perry, current President of SPC. “Monday - Wednesday are days for potential new members to get to know the current members and philanthropies of each sorority. Thursday is then preference night where each potential new member gets the chance to see what a ritual looks like for each sorority. Then Friday is the fun day – where each potential new member may receive a Bid and join their sorority!”

SPC’s role in recruitment is meant to serve as the unbiased source of information during the recruitment process. There will be members of SPC at every recruitment event, representing Greek Life as a whole and available to answer questions without bias.

“Everybody involved in Greek Life wants you to find your home!” said Perry. “We encourage to think about your own ideals and goals before coming to recruitment. Both sororities are overflowing with sisterhood, but their philanthropies are different. When going through recruitment it is best to listen to all the information that is given and then decide where your heart leads you.”

Perry advises and encourages any possible new members that attend recruitment week to have fun and cherish every moment.

“Some of these girls will be your best friends, travel buddies, and even bridesmaids,” she said. “There's no better feeling than knowing you have found your home.”

Sorority Life recruitment this semester is ongoing throughout the week of September 12 on campus. Both sororities will be holding events each day for those interested in joining to attend and get to know the members of each organization.

To learn more about Greek Life and other student organizations at Shawnee State University, visit