
June 7, 2022

Shawnee State University students Erin Morrison (Hometown: South Point, OH) and Sahvannah McDowell (Hometown: Ashland, KY) collaborated for this year’s Celebration of Scholarship (COS) conference to showcase their research project titled “Back to the Wild: A Comparative Study of the Antimicrobial Properties of Humulus lupulus.” Presenting during the in-person Trustees’ Session, their research was recognized with the presentation of the Trustees’ Award.

picture of students with awards
Shawnee State University students Erin Morrison (right) and Sahvannah McDowell (center) receive the Trustees’ Award at the 2022 Celebration of Scholarship conference. The duo was presented the award by conference committee chair Dr. Erik Larson (left).

“In this research project we compared the antimicrobial properties of Humulus lupulus with cultivated hops to wild variety of hops that were found growing locally in Ohio,” said Morrison. “We were successful in this project as we found that the hops we collected did show antimicrobial properties. However, our research is still an ongoing process in which we hope to continue comparing the hops we have collected as well as new wild varieties.” 

A unique professional experience on campus, participating in COS allowed the partners to set a goal and watch their progress as they moved forward. Although there is still progress to be made, they are grateful for getting to present the research they have.  

“I am very passionate about our research project as we were given the opportunity to essentially make it what we wanted it to be,” said Morrison. “It was such a rewarding experience to see that through hard work we were able to accomplish a goal we set out to achieve. Although we have a lot more work ahead of us, it was a great experience to be able to share our progress thus far.” 

Enjoying spending time together, both partners have their own favorite memories from their experience in COS. Some of these cherished memories include time with their mentor, Dr. Logan Minter. 

“My favorite memory was the first time Erin, Dr. Minter, and I went out to collect wild hops,” said McDowell. “During the commute, a turtle was crossing the road. Dr. Minter slammed on his brakes and put his truck in reverse to save the turtle. Erin and I have also made so many memories working in the lab together. Working in the lab with Erin always ends in a laugh.” 

Two years’ worth of research was presented by the duo, and they both never imagined the support and recognition they would receive. At the conclusion of the conference, the duo was awarded the Trustees’ Award, an award that recognizes outstanding research that is investigative, project-based, inquiry-based, open-minded and exploratory. 

“I am so thankful for the opportunity to present our research and appreciate the recognition,” said McDowell. 

Both Morrison and McDowell express their gratitude for SSU, Dr. Minter, and the chance to complete this research for the conference.  

“It is such a great feeling to be able to share our work with the community and show what we have been working on for two years now,” said Morrison.

To learn more about Shawnee State University’s annual Celebration of Scholarship Conference, visit