
February 25, 2022

Shawnee State University is currently accepting submission for its annual art and literature magazine, the Silhouette. Students can share their passion for literature, photography, or art through the magazine. Hannah Marzoff (Hometown: Dayton, Ohio) is among the five student staff members who serve as editors for the submissions.

Silhouette 2022 graphic

“I will be the creative nonfiction editor for submissions we receive,” said Marzoff, an English Education major. “I will make sure that they are grammatically correct and make any necessary revisions. I am on the staff with four of my peers – Connor Hurles, Abbi Dunn, Jonathan Winters, and Kaitlyn Lawson.”

Submissions for the Silhouette can be done by SSU faculty, SSU students, and the public. Creative pieces can be submitted anonymously or with the author’s name attached. Submission guidelines include poetry of two-single spaced pages or less, fiction and creative nonfiction of 1,500 words or less, art projects, and photography.

“I think the best part about the Silhouette submissions is that they can be turned in anonymously,” she said. “If you are nervous about it, nobody will have to know it is yours. On the other hand, this is a great chance to get your name out there and gain exposure for your talent. You have to let your talent shine – don’t be scared of something you’re passionate about.”

Marzoff is looking forward to editing the submissions the magazine receives, knowing the experience will be an important part of preparing for her future career.

“My experience on the staff will definitely help prepare me for my career as a teacher,” she said. “I will have to grade and make corrections to assignments submitted by my students. I am really excited to get started – I hope we receive a lot of different submissions.”

Submissions for the Silhouette will be accepted now through Thursday, Mar. 17. Those interested in submitting their work or learning more can email