Students pick up supplies
Upward Bound Math and Science at Shawnee State Enriches Students Virtually

Despite COVID-19 shutdowns, Shawnee State University’s Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) summer enrichment program found a way to continue the annual six-week summer experience for high school students.

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Jordan Hileman reading from a book
COVID-19 Prompted SSU Graduate to Use Her Career Skills Long Before Completing Her Degree

Recent SSU Class of 2020 graduates, like Early Childhood Education major Jordan Hileman, began using their new career skills long before earning their degrees as a result of COVID-19.

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Shawnee State Faculty Change Methods But Not Results In COVID-19

Shawnee State University is wrapping up a historical semester in early May with the conclusion of a transition to all remote-learning classes in the wake of the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Shawnee State’s Spring Class of 2020 raises over $1,000 for The Shawnee Fund

The Shawnee State University spring graduating class has raised $1,111 for the Shawnee Fund within the SSU Development Foundation.

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Shawnee State Announces Plans for Budget Reductions Due to Coronavirus

During its Board of Trustees meeting held May 8, Shawnee State University announced plans for budget reductions due to an anticipated deficit as the result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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During COVID-19 SSU Students Turn to Bear Necessities

Many in our region have been impacted economically by the COVID-19 pandemic. Students at Shawnee State University who found themselves in need of additional support turned to the SSU Bear Necessities Pantry.

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Student Emergency Fund
Shawnee State’s Student Emergency Fund raises over $20,000

The Shawnee State University Development Foundation has raised over $20,000 in support of its Student Emergency Fund.

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Cub Camp 2020 is canceled
Shawnee State University Cancels 2020 Cub Camp

Shawnee State University has announced that the 2020 Cub Camp is canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Shawnee State University Board of Trustees to meet by Teleconference May 8

The Board of Trustees of Shawnee State University will hold its May 8, 2020 Board meeting and Committee meetings by teleconference.

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Screenshot of virtual clinic software
Shawnee State Students Learn to Adapt in a COVID-19 World

As the coronavirus crisis unfolded across Ohio in early March, Shawnee State University students faced a new world of challenges.

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