
December 9, 2021

Resident Assistants (RA) at Shawnee State University oversee on-campus housing residents and assist the university’s Office of Housing & Residence Life with meeting student-related needs. After serving as an alternate RA last semester, junior Mark Schueler jumped head-first into serving as a full-time RA this academic year. Currently covering his campus housing building with one other RA, he has found the experience to be worthwhile as a student at SSU.

Mark Schueler

“I love this job because you can easily meet new friends, especially others in my major,” said Schueler. “My building houses a lot of the gaming majors, so it’s cool to be living among my fellow classmates.”

Schueler is majoring in Digital Simulation & Game Engineering Technology with plans of graduating in May 2023. Knowing he wanted to pursue game design since his sophomore year of high school, he found his experience as an RA has helped prepare him for his future career path.

“I want to make games for other people that embody what I like to play,” he said. “This job during college gives me the opportunity to lead a group of individuals and requires me to come up with building events I have to program. In my career, I will have to oversee the people helping me produce and program my game, as well as plan the game play and graphics I want.”

Schueler cherishes the life-long connections he has already made during his time as an RA on campus.

“Aside from my residents, there’s a bunch of people I probably would have never met if I was not an RA,” he said. “This position really helps you come out of your shell and make connections. I feel more involved on campus, and that is special. I love being able to help others and make a difference.”

At SSU, both on-campus students and commuter students can become RAs. The Office of Housing & Residence Life has started the process of searching for RAs for the 2022-2023 academic year. Early in the spring semester, current students will have the opportunity to attend information sessions to learn more about the position as well as fill out an application for consideration.

To learn more about the Resident Assistant program at Shawnee State University, visit