Title: Professor
Area: History and Anthropology
Office Location: MAS 221
Phone: (740) 351-3103
Email: aalazm@shawnee.edu
Amr Al Azm was educated in the UK, reading Archaeology of Western Asiatics at University College, London and graduated with a doctoral degree in 1991. He was the founder and Director of the Scientific and Conservation Laboratories at the General Department of Antiquities and Museums (1999-2004) and taught at the University of Damascus until 2006. Currently he is a Professor of Middle East History and Anthropology at Shawnee State University in Ohio. Amr Al-Azm is a keen follower and commentator on current events in Syria and the Middle East in general. He has published chapters and articles in numerous journals, and major media outlets including guest editorials for the New York Times, Time Magazine, Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs.
His main research interest is focused on threats to cultural heritage in conflict zones, looting and trafficking of cultural property (antiquities) and terrorism financing. He is a subject matter expert in his field and consults for numerous governmental and non-governmental entities.
Amr Al-Azm is a founder and board member on The Day After project (TDA) and currently coordinates the Heritage Protection Initiative (TDA-HPI) for cultural heritage protection at the TDA. He is also a co-Director of the Antiquities Trafficking and Heritage Anthropology Research (ATHAR) Project.
PhD. Archaeology, 1986-1991, University of London UCL, London, England
MSc. Bioarchaeology, 1985-1986, University of London Institute of Archaeology, London, England
B.A. (Hons) Degree (class 2:1), Archaeology of Western Asia , 1982-1985, University of London Institute of Archaeology, London, England
Primary Courses
HIST 2540 - Introduction to the Midlle East: History, Peoples and Culture
HIST 3550 - Islam: Religion, Politics and Society
HIST 3520 - History of the Crusades
HIST 4420 - Middle East in Modern Times
ANTH - Biological Anthropology
ANTH - Forensic Anthropology
Activities and Research
Forthcoming: Al-Azm, A. "Wooden Helmets and Paper Flights, The Mamluks are Off to War: Recent Finds of Medieval Arms and Armour at the Citadel of Damascus." Mamluk Studies Review, MEDOC, University of Chicago.
Al-Azm, A. 2009. "The Importance and Antiquity of Frikkeh: a simple snack or a socio-economic indicator of decline and prosperity in the ancient Near East" in From Foragers to Farmers: Gordon C. Hillman Festschrift, eds., A.S. Fairbairn & E. Weiss, Oxbow Monographs.
Al-Azm, A. 2008. "Conservation and Preservation of Mosaics in Syria: The Case for a Multidisciplinary Approach." Lessons learned: reflecting on the theory and practice of mosaic conservation: proceedings of the 9th ICCM Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, November 29-December 3, 2005, eds., Aïcha Ben Abed, Martha Demas and Thomas Roby, 139-143, Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.
Al-Azm, A. 2005. "Archaeobotanical and Environmental Studies at Jebel Khaled: Preliminary Report on the 2005 Season." Mediterranean Archaeology 18.
Al-Azm, A. and Calcani, J. 2002. Between Damascus and Rome, the Architecture of Apolodoro in Classical Culture. L'erma di Bretschneider.
Gibson, M. and Al-Azm, A. 2002. "Hamoukar: A Summary of Three Seasons of Excavations." Akkadica 123: 11-35.